
The Gipsoteca of Possagno
The Gipsoteca of Possagno is the largest in Europe, collects the enchanting historical and artistic legacy of [_0127]5_Antonio Canova . The Gipsoteca was born on the will of Antonio Canova's half-brother, who had a building built to house the works present in the Roman studio of the greatest exponent of Neoclassicism. The Gipsoteca of Possagno in the province of Treviso preserves the original plaster models from which Antonio Canova set out to create the marvelous marble sculptures, now present in the largest museums in Worldwide. The masterpieces were transported from Rome to Possagno. The building was designed by the architect Francesco Lazzari of Venice. The construction underwent multiple variations due to the First and Second World War. The current layout is due to the work of Giovanni Battista Sartori, fruit of his museological spirit. Another building was also built in 1957, thanks to the scrupulous work of Carlo Scarpa with the aim of further enhancing the Canova heritage left in the deposits and thus bringing it to light.

Treviso - Possagno cushion
